Allocation process

The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC), in consultation with the SHF Advisory Board and upon recommendation by the Inter Sector Coordination (ISC) group members, decides on a predictable and flexible model to quickly respond to critical humanitarian needs. Sector coordinators in cooperation with their sub national counterparts and sector partners identify the sectors and geographical areas that are prioritized, which are reflected in individual allocation strategies.

The SHF has two types of allocation modalities:

Standard Allocations: Are issued based on the discretion of the HC and are linked to the priorities of the HRP. Funds are allocated early in the year for projects included in the Syria HRP and around mid-year when the HRP is revised. Funding decisions are based on the allocation strategies that focuses on highest priority needs underpinned by vulnerability data and needs analysis. The allocation strategies are developed by the ISC, approved by the HC and endorsed by the SHF Advisory Board. Project proposals are prioritized and vetted within sectors through Sector Review Committees (SRC) and then recommended to the SHF Advisory Board for endorsement and final approval by the HC.

Reserve Allocations: These are intended for rapid, flexible and unforeseen new emergencies or to address unanticipated needs and gaps. The Reserve allocations can also include individual projects responding to urgent identified needs. Reserve allocations are faster and more geographically focused. All projects under reserve allocations are cleared by the sector coordinators before undergoing technical review and endorsement and approval by the SHF Advisory Board and the HC.


Budget Preparation Guidance