Governance and guidance

The following in-country governance arrangements have been put in place:

Humanitarian Coordinator: On behalf of the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC), the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) is responsible for the overall management of the Fund. The HC decides on the strategy for the use of the Fund and ensures that the Fund is delivering on its key objectives and is managed in accordance with the Global Guidelines for Country-based Pooled Funds. The HC is supported by an Advisory Board (AB), which advises the HC on the allocation of funds and other strategic issues. The HC is also supported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and OCHA’s Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU).

Advisory Board: The AB develops the overall strategy for funding allocations, oversees the performance of the Fund and its accountability mechanisms. It advises on strategic and policy issues, ensuring that the views of donors, UN agencies and NGOs are equally represented. The composition of the AB is determined by the HC, in consultation with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), contributing donors, UN agencies and NGOs. The composition of the AB ensures equitable representation of the key stakeholders to the Fund. Observers can be invited on an ad hoc basis by the HC or by the AB.

The composition of the AB in Ukraine:

  1. The HC chairs the AB.
  2. OCHA Head of Office acts as a permanent member.
  3. Two representatives of contributing donors. 
  4. Two representatives of the UN agencies. 
  5. Two representatives from NGOs (including at least one national NGO). 
  6. One Pooled Fund Manager (as AB secretariat).
  7. One representative of a non-contributing donor (as an observer).

Under the overall supervision of the OCHA Head of Office, the HFU ensures adequate and efficient management of the Fund, including the coordination of allocation processes and oversight of the entire funding cycle from the opening of an allocation to the closure of projects, while providing technical support and policy advice to the HC.

The HFU maintains accountability requirements, including risk management and operational modalities, as well as coordination with other units of the OCHA Country Office and sub-offices. Further, the HFU ensures donor contributions are channeled to partners in compliance with the minimum requirements outlined in the UHF Operational Manual, OCHA’s Operational Handbook for Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) and the OCHA Policy Instruction on CBPFs.