About the Venezuela Humanitarian Fund

The Venezuela Humanitarian Fund (VHF) mobilizes and channels resources to humanitarian partners to respond to the humanitarian needs in Venezuela. The Fund operates within the parameters of the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), with the objective of expanding the delivery of humanitarian assistance by focusing on critical priorities and needs.

What are the main Objectives of the Venezuela Humanitarian Fund?

  1. Promote a coordinated response to humanitarian needs through the organizations best positioned to respond, giving priority to local organizations when appropriate;
  2. Improve the humanitarian response by increasing funding for humanitarian projects that respond to the allocation priorities, according to the main humanitarian needs prioritized in an inclusive and coordinated process at the national and local levels;
  3. Contribute to the delivery of the Humanitarian Response Plan within the context of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle.

Who can access the Venezuela Humanitarian Fund?

Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) are managed by OCHA and made available to national and international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and UN agencies. Given the importance of broadening partnership in order to reach people in need in the most underserved areas; the VHF aims to promote the response of local actors through the funding of NGOs.

Additional information and resources on Country-Based Pooled Funds can be found here.


CBPF Global guidelines 

HC Vision Paper 

Second Standard Allocation 2022  

First Standard Allocation 2022  

VHF 2022 Annual Report