Governance and guidance

The activities of the Venezuela Humanitarian Fund are carried out under the overall strategic and operational direction of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC), with support from an Advisory Board (AB) and an OCHA Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU). The Advisory Board is comprised of members of the humanitarian community namely two national NGOs, two international NGOs two United Nations agencies and two donors, who support the HC in policy and strategy-setting for the VHF. Cluster leads and cluster members at the national and regional level feed into the identification process of priority needs and target sectors, geographical areas, and activities.

The VHF operates within the framework provided by the OCHA Operational Handbook for Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPFs), which describe the set of rules that apply to all CBPFs worldwide. The Operational Manual for Venezuela issued by the HC further describes the governance arrangements, objectives, allocation modalities and accountability mechanisms of the VHF as well as details the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved.


Vision Paper - June 2022

Fondo Humanitario de Venezuela Manual de Operaciones, Diciembre 2020
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund Operational Manual, December 2020

Anexo 1: Términos de Referencia de la Junta Consultiva
Annex 1: Terms of Reference - Advisory Board

Anexo 2: Nota de orientación sobre el proceso de revisión de proyectos 
Annex 2: Guidance note on the project review process

Anexo 3: Marco de gestión de los riesgos
Annex 3: Risk Management Framework

Anexo 4: Proceso de preparación de presupuesto de proyectos (Directrices financieras y presupuestarias)
Annex 4: Project Budget Preparation Process (Financial and Budgetary Guidelines)

Anexo 5: Guía de elegibilidad de los socios
Annex 5:  Partner Eligibility Guidance

Anexo 5.1: Formulario de registro de las ONG
Annex 5.1: NGO Registration Form

Anexo 5.2a: Formulario de Debida Diligencia
Annex 5.2a: Due Diligence Form

Anexo 6: Procedimientos Operativos Estándar de los CBPF en respuesta a sospechas de fraude o uso indebido de fondos por parte de los socios (Junio 2020)
Annex 6: CBPF Standard Operating Procedures on Response to Concerns of Fraud or Misuse of Funds by Partners

Anexo 7: Procedimientos Operativos Estándar para casos de explotación y abuso sexual que involucran a socios del CBPF (Junio 2020)
Annex 7:  Response to Concerns of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse involving Implementing Partners of Country-based Pooled Funds

Anexo 8: Traducción del acuerdo de subvención
Annex 8:  Grant Agreement with NGOs