
The organizations aiming to become eligible partners of the RHFWCA must participate in the yearly eligibility process. This process determines whether an organization has the organizational, programmatic, and financial capacity & expertise to implement humanitarian projects and manage funds allocated by the RHFWCA.

The eligibility process for potential partners will be conducted once a year during the first quarter of the year before the first allocation of the year. The eligibility process consists of three distinct stages, each with its function:

Step 1: Expression of Interest across clusters: Determines whether an organization meets the minimum requirements to undergo a full assessment. This step is carried out in collaboration with the Clusters and or OCHA CO colleagues (sub-offices) that recommend new organizations to the Regional Humanitarian Financing Unit (RHFU). As such, the clusters and/or OCHA CO colleagues conduct a pre-assessment of the organizations concerned with the support of the RHFU.

Step 2: Due Diligence/ GMS Registration: Organizations that successfully pass the first step are registered in GMS, the online Funds Management Platform (GMS), and are asked to submit all required documents and information as part of the due diligence process.

Step 3: Capacity assessment: This step consists of assessing potential partners’ organizational, programmatic, and financial capacities through a series of questions and the analysis of several documents submitted by potential organizations. It makes it possible to determine the initial level of risk of the organization by a desk review of the documents submitted, including through a visit to a partner office.

For more information, please consult the corresponding section of the Fund's Operational manual and annexes.