Governance and guidance

The opening of an envelope for a given country is approved by the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) on the recommendation of OCHA after consultation with various stakeholders, including donors and operational partners.

The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) of the country where an envelope is activated is responsible for the governance and control of the resources of the country envelope. The HC is responsible for chairing the Advisory Board, developing and overseeing the implementation of the allocation strategy, providing oversight of partners and the country project portfolio, and ensuring that partners report by established requirements.

An Advisory Board (AB) is created in each country where an envelope is established to help the HC to define the strategic orientation about to the use of the funds, to develop allocation strategies, and to take provisions for risk management and performance monitoring. The AB is composed of representatives of donors, national NGOs, international NGOs and UN agencies as rotating members, as well as the head of the OCHA country office and the head of the OCHA regional office, who will support a regional perspective as permanent members.

The daily management of the RHFWCA is done by the Regional Humanitarian Financing Unit (RHFU) based within the OCHA Regional Office for West and Central Africa (ROWCA). The RHFU:

(i) manages and administers all programmatic and financial aspects of the Fund, 

(ii) provides advice and technical support to the HCs and Advisory Boards (acting as their secretariat) in countries with a funding envelope, and 

(iii) helps provide a regional perspective to each Fund, including supporting the cross-fertilization of best practices and lessons learned. The RHFU reports to the head of the OCHA regional office based in Dakar and is supported by the CBPF Section at headquarters.

The RHFWCA and its country envelopes are managed according to a unique Operational Manual which is developed at the regional level with a specific addendum for each country envelope (if required).

  • Operational manual and annexes, which includes:
  • Annex 1. List of documents required for the due diligence process.
  • Annex 2.a. Template of Grant Agreement (GA) for NGOs.
  • Annex 2.b. Grant Agreement for UN Agencies.
  • Annex 3.a. Amendment to the Template Grant Agreement for NGOs.
  • Annex 3.b. Grant Agreement Amendment with UN Agencies.
  • Annex 4. Standard Operating Procedures for Submitting and Processing a Project Revision Request.
  • Annex 5. Standard operating procedures for financial spot checks.
  • Annex 6. Guidance Note on Fraud and Financial Misconduct. Responsibilities of Implementing Partners for Fraud and Financial Misconduct
  • Annex 6.a. Reporting form on suspected fraudulent acts of partners CONFIDENTIAL.
  • Annex 7. Guidance Note on Sexual Misconduct Implementing Partner Responsibilities for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
  • Annex 8. Technical guidance for developing a budget.
  • Annex 9. Measures applicable to partners for cases of non-compliance.

Country addendums

Visibility guidance and materials

  • Visibility guidelines for projects funded through the RHFWCA [for partners] (En/Fr).
  • Visibility guidelines for short video on projects funded through the RHFWCA
  • RHFWCA (logo) wordmark (En/Fr).