Press releases and statements

The UN Under-Secretary-General, Martin Griffith surrounded by cameras
The UN Under-Secretary-General, Martin Griffith takes questions from the press in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, after the devastating earthquake in February 2023.

Press releases and statements

Showing 661 - 670 of 6,484 results


News and Press Release

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Joyce Msuya, Opening of the PSEAH Event “Fit for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment?”, 11 May 2022

VIDEO MESSAGE Welcome to this interactive theatre event. I very much regret that I cannot be with you today. I have seen the terrible scars borne by women and children who have suffered sexual...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Syria + 5 more

News and Press Release

Mensaje de líderes de las Naciones Unidas – en materia humanitaria, de refugiados y de desarrollo – con respecto a la situación en Siria y la región

Declaración de Martin Griffiths, Subsecretario General de la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios y Ayuda de Emergencia; de Filippo Grandi, Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Refugiados; y de Achim...

Originally published
  • UN Development Programme
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Syria + 5 more

News and Press Release

Message des chefs des agences des Nations Unies pour la coordination humanitaire, les réfugiés et le développement sur la situation en Syrie et dans la région

Déclaration conjointe de Martin Griffiths, Secrétaire général adjoint aux affaires humanitaires et Coordonnateur des secours d’urgence, Filippo Grandi, Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les...

Originally published
  • UN Development Programme
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Syria + 5 more

News and Press Release

Message from the United Nations humanitarian, refugee, and development chiefs on the situation in Syria and the region

Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, and the Administrator of...

Originally published
  • UN Development Programme
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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News and Press Release

Comunicado de prensa: Llamado a la protección de la población civil

Bogotá, 10 de mayo de 2022 El Equipo Humanitario País en Colombia (EHP) rechaza la violencia armada que tiene lugar en gran parte del país y particularmente en los departamentos de Antioquia,...

Originally published
  • El Equipo Humanitario País Colombia
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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News and Press Release

Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, Osnat Lubrani, on the evacuations from Azovstal and Mariupol, 8 May 2022 [EN/RU/UK]

"Another round of evacuations of civilians from Azovstal steelworks and other areas around Mariupol has been successfully concluded today. I am immensely relieved to confirm that more than 170 people...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
  • UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine
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