Middle East and North Africa

Syrian Arab Republic

Syrian children smiling at the camera
Syrian has faced one of the world's worst displacement crises, as a result of the decade-long civil war. Many children across the country have been displaced. OCHA
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Humanitarian needs in Syria continue to rise inexorably, driven by escalating violence, which has led to further displacement and suffering. The socio-economic situation has continued to deteriorate, exacerbated by the February 2023 earthquakes, tensions and conflicts in the region, have negatively impacted social cohesion and amplified vulnerabilities.

In 2024, 16.7 million people are expected to need humanitarian assistance, the largest number since the beginning of the crisis in 2011. The effects of the rapid economic deterioration and lack of livelihood opportunities further expose vulnerable people to protection risks and threats, including enhanced risk of sexual exploitation and abuse and other forms of gender-based violence for women and children as they explore feasible means to meet their day-to-day basic needs.

Syria remains a protection crisis. Children continue to be killed, women and girls continue to fear for their safety and across Syria, more than 7 million people remain displaced, a figure surpassed only by Sudan. Millions of others continue to live as refugees in neighbouring countries and beyond.

Since 2014, the cross-border operation from Türkiye has provided a lifeline to millions of people in need in north-west Syria. Following the lapse of the Security Council’s authorization for the operation, it continues to function effectively under the consent of the Government of Syria.

Cross-line deliveries that are a critical tool for reaching people in need throughout Syria, remain challenging in the north-west.

The UN and partners require US$4.07 billion to address the immediate humanitarian needs of 10.8 million vulnerable people (5.4 million females and 5.3 million males).

Overview of the humanitarian response in the Syrian Arab Republic

For a full overview of the humanitarian response, visit humanitarianaction.info
Total population
23.5M 2024
People in need
16.7M 2024
People in need
16.7M 2024
People to be covered by assistance
10.8M 2024
Total requirements (USD)
4.1B 2024
Total requirements (USD)
4.1B 2024
Funding coverage (%)
25.79 2024
Funding gap (USD)
3B 2024

The Syrian Arab Republic Humanitarian Fund

Pledged amount (USD)
29.5M 2024
Paid amount (USD)
28.7M 2024



News and Press Release

Ms. Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator - Briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria, 28 August 2024

New York, 28 August 2024 As delivered Mr. President, Members of the Security Council, The people of Syria continue to face a profound humanitarian crisis. More than 16 million people – over 70 per...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Funding for OCHA Syrian Arab Republic

Total requirements (USD)
6.1M 2024
Opening balance (USD)
59.7K 2024
Earmarked funding (USD)
1.7M 2024
Total (USD)
1.7M 2024