West and Central Africa

Burkina Faso

Inside a classroom, a boy standing behind a desk speaks into a microphone, which held by a woman, who is standing in front of him. Other children can be seen seated at their desks. Two blackboards are in view in the background.
Many displaced people, including students wanting to continue their education have sought refuge in Kaya, the capital of Sanamentenga province. The Government has worked with humanitarian organizations specializing in education to set up initiatives including temporary learning spaces, a fast-track schooling strategy including radio education programme. OCHA/Bénédicte Bama Toé
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Burkina Faso continues to experience the worst humanitarian crisis in its history, with an estimated 10 per cent of the population - or more than 2 million people - internally displaced due to violence and insecurity. 

The humanitarian situation is dire and there are serious protection concerns, as well as security incidents affecting civilians which went up by 60 per cent in the first three quarters of 2023 compared to the previous year. Basic social services are increasingly overwhelmed, exacerbating humanitarian needs.  

Burkina Faso is also one of the world’s most neglected crises, without sufficient attention and funding from the international community.

In 2024, initial estimates by the humanitarian community project that 6.3 million people will need humanitarian assistance across the country’s 13 regions, up by 35 per cent in comparison to 2023. As of February 2024, these figures were being finalized in consultation with partners and Burkinabe authorities. 

Among those most affected are the approximately 1.2 million people in some 40 population centres across seven regions cut off from the rest of the country. They are dependent on irregular resupply by commercial convoys moving under military escort, and humanitarian cargo flights that are more regular but limited in capacity.

Humanitarian action in Burkina Faso relies heavily on helicopter transport for passengers and cargo, which costs 12 to 50 times more than overland transport. Moreover, humanitarian efforts are concentrated within the circumference of these population centres.

In 2024, the UN and partners estimate they will need US$935 million to provide life-saving assistance and protection services to some 3.8 million people. At the same time, some investments in helping people become more resilient to shocks will be needed for displaced and non-displaced communities especially for those remain out of their homes for more than two years.

Overview of the humanitarian response in Burkina Faso

For a full overview of the humanitarian response, visit humanitarianaction.info

Total population
23.3M 2024
People in need
6.3M 2024
Total population
23.3M 2024
People in need
6.3M 2024
People to be covered by assistance
3.8M 2024
Total requirements (USD)
934.6M 2024
Funding total (USD)
176.9M 2024
Funding coverage (%)
18.93 2024

The Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa (Burkina Faso)

Pledged amount (USD)
11.1M 2024
Paid amount (USD)
11.1M 2024


Burkina Faso

News and Press Release

Atelier de Finalisation et Validation des Outils/Mécanismes Pour L’intégration de L’égalité Genre dans la Réponse Humanitaire 2024-2025 du 21 mai 2024 au Bureau de OCHA

Dans le cadre de la finalisation et de la validation des outils/mécanismes pour l’intégration de l’égalité genre dans la réponse humanitaire 2024-2025, un atelier s’est tenu le 21 mai 2024 de...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Burkina Faso

Situation Report

Burkina Faso : Rapport de situation (28 avr. 2023)

FAITS SAILLANTS Près de US$877 millions requis en 2023 pour une réponse aux 3,1 millions de personnes ciblées par les humanitaires. L’accès humanitaire continue de connaitre des sévères contraintes...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Burkina Faso

Situation Report

Burkina Faso : Rapport de situation (13 oct 2022)

FAITS SAILLANTS 1 520 012 personnes déplacées sont enregistrées au Burkina Faso au 30 Avril 2022. 59,13% de ces personnes déplacées internes sont des enfants. 708 341 élèves sont affectés par la...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Funding for OCHA Burkina Faso

Total requirements (USD)
5.3M 2024
Opening balance (USD)
33K 2024
Earmarked funding (USD)
1.2M 2024
Total (USD)
1.2M 2024