West and Central Africa

Central African Republic

Women and children sit under an informal shelter covered by grass mats in what appears to a cooking area. A pot of rice is cooking on a firewood stove.
A returnee family in the village of Mourouba prepares rice received from OXFAM as part of a project funded by the CAR Humanitarian Fund to combat food insecurity. OCHA/Anita Cadonau
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One in every five Central African remains displaced either within the country or abroad, mainly in neighbouring countries, due to insecurity because of the ongoing conflict. 

While there has been a slight dip in clashes, conflict continues to be the major driver of insecurity with recurrent attacks on civilians. New displacements have been recorded, as have violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by parties to the conflict especially in the southeast and west of the country. Conflicts in Sudan and instability in southern Chad exacerbated people’s vulnerabilities in the northeast and northwest regions.

Forty-six per cent of the population or 2.8 million people will be extremely vulnerable in 2024, to the extent that humanitarian assistance alone will not be sufficient for their well-being. 

The number of people in need of assistance has dropped from 3.4 million in 2023 not only because of an improvement in the context, but also due to a refinement of needs analysis.

The humanitarian community aims to provide assistance to 1.9 million of the most vulnerable Central Africans for which it needs US $367.7 million. 

The response aims to not only provide urgent lifesaving but promote durable solutions to displacement. The response strategy also includes accountability to affected people to ensure humanitarian response meets their expectations.

Overview of the humanitarian response in the Central African Republic

For a full overview of the humanitarian response, visit humanitarianaction.info
6.1M 2024
People in need
2.8M 2024
People in need
2.8M 2024
People to be covered by assistance
1.9M 2024
Total requirements (USD)
367.7M 2024
Funding coverage (%)
32.52 2024
Funding gap (USD)
248.1M 2024

The Central African Republic Humanitarian Fund

Pledged amount (USD)
14M 2024
Paid amount (USD)
14M 2024


CAR + 2 more

Situation Report

Central African Republic: Situation Report, 15 Jul 2024

HIGHLIGHTS In 2024, the humanitarian community in CAR plans to assist 1.9 million most vulnerable people. US$ 367.7 million is required. Humanitarian actors provided life-saving assistance to 2...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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CAR + 2 more

Situation Report

République centrafricaine : Rapport de situation, 15 juil. 2024

FAITS SAILLANTS En 2024, la communauté humanitaire en RCA planifie d’assister 1.9 millions de personnes les plus vulnérables. 367.7 millions de dollars américains sont requis. Les acteurs...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Funding for OCHA Central African Republic

Total requirements (USD)
11.2M 2024
Opening balance (USD)
92.2K 2024
Earmarked funding (USD)
1.8M 2024
Total (USD)
1.8M 2024