Regional office for

Southern and Eastern Africa

A woman sits in an open space on the ground. There are bags and utensils around.
Lwol fled conflict in Sudan to seek refuge in South Sudan in 2023. OCHA/Alioune Ndiaye
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Humanitarian needs continue to rise in Southern and Eastern Africa as the region grapples with the devastating effects of climate change such as drought and the impacts of El Niño-induced flooding, economic challenges, conflicts and diseases including cholera. The region is also home to large-scale displacement and protection concerns. 

OCHA’s Regional Office for Southern and Eastern Africa (ROSEA), based in Nairobi, Kenya, works with country offices in the region to support and strengthen the humanitarian coordination and response preparedness.

ROSEA provides a platform for the analysis of cross-border issues of humanitarian concern, such as facilitating multi-country preparedness and planning consultations. It also works to strengthen collaboration on emergency preparedness and response with regional bodies, such as the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in Eastern Africa, and the Southern Africa Development Community in Southern Africa.

Regional coverage

Children in a desert landscape
Country office


Following a border conflict with Ethiopia from 1998 to 2000, Eritrea experienced a prolonged "no-war, no-peace" situation and faced international sanctions for a decade.

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A woman, Esha Mohammed, walks along the dry landscape
Country office


Ethiopia is facing multiple humanitarian emergencies due to climate change, conflict, disease outbreaks, poor macroeconomic conditions, and high commodity and food prices due to inflation.

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A woman stands with a pointer and watches as a child writes on a blackboard placed against a wall. Children are seated on the floor in front of the board. Soe bags can be seen placed against a dilapidated wall.
Country office


An estimated 945,000 people have been internally displaced by the armed conflict in Cabo Delgado Province in northern Mozambique, which continues to increase humanitarian needs. 

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A woman with baby in her arms stands in front of an informal tent. Two men and a woman in blue vests and clothing face her.
Country office


Somalia is facing a rapidly unfolding humanitarian catastrophe, driven by the longest and most severe drought in at least 40 years.

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Two women stand in a open space with their backs to the camera. They have an arm around each other's back.
Country office

South Sudan

The humanitarian situation in South Sudan is worsening, driven by the cumulative and compounding effects of years of conflict, subnational violence, food insecurity, the climate crisis and public health challenges.

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A woman stands with a little girl in her arms facing the camera with two young boys standing next to her
Country office


Clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces erupted in Khartoum on 15 April 2023. Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands injured due to the conflict.

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A boy carrying a tyre in Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, faces high risks from the global climate crisis, exacerbated by aged infrastructure.

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Manual and Guideline

Cash Working Group Sudan: Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Guidance Note for the Sudan interim Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB 2023) and setting of Transfer Value (TV) - May, 2024

2nd revision – endorsed by CWG members in April 2024 1. Guidance objectives and intended outcomes Objectives • To harmonize MPCA transfer values and ensure consistent and coordinated MPCA delivery. •...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Funding for OCHA Southern and Eastern Africa

Earmarked funding (USD)
2.7M 2023
Opening balance (USD)
847.00 2023
Total (USD)
2.7M 2023
Total requirements (USD)
6.3M 2023

Earmarked contributions

$0,2 millones
$0,1 millones
$0,5 millones
$0,3 millones
$0,1 millones
United States
$1,3 millones

Unearmarked contributions

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • China
  • Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Luxembourg
  • Monaco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Qatar
  • Republic of
  • Russian Federation
  • S
  • Singapore

Unearmarked contributions (or commitments) are those for which the donor does not require the funds to be used for a specific project, sector, crisis or country, leaving OCHA to decide how to allocate the funds.

Opening balance may include unearmarked and earmarked funding with implementation dates beyond the calendar year, and excludes miscellaneous income (e.g. adjustments, gain/losses on exchange rate etc.)

Funding information from the OCHA Contributions Tracking System.