West and Central Africa


Three women and a young man look at the camera. Some of the women are clutching a plastic sheet. A UN vehicle and tents can be seen in the background.
Newly arrived Sudanese refugees in Oadré, Ouaddai Province. March 2024. Photo: OCHA/Catherine Arseneau
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Over a third of Chad’s people need humanitarian assistance, as the country continues to face a multidimensional and protracted humanitarian crisis. Armed conflict, which has forced people out of their homes, food insecurity and malnutrition, health emergencies and the consequences of the climate crisis remain the four main drivers of humanitarian needs in Chad. 

The humanitarian situation in the provinces in eastern Chad has been severely worsened by the new influx of refugees and returnees from Sudan – over 700,000 and counting (including 164,000 returnees) as of 16 March 2024. This situation increases the vulnerability of the 1.9 million host community members in these three provinces, most of whom were already vulnerable prior to this new crisis.

In the west, the Lac Province continues to be plagued by insecurity at the hands of non-state armed groups, primarily Boko Haram and Islamic State's West Africa Province or ISWAP. Out of the approximately 748,000 people in the province, 215,000 (or 28.7 per cent) are internally displaced. The zone is also prone to yearly flooding which also leads to population movements. 

The humanitarian situation in the south is characterized by spill-over effects of insecurity in the Central African Republic (CAR), inter- and intracommunal conflicts, and floods. As of December 2023, the southern provinces host over 77,000 Chadian returnees, who have been fleeing violence in CAR since 2013. This is in addition to 124,000 refugees from CAR who sought refuge in Chad. In November 2023, armed clashes in northern CAR led to the displacement of 11,400 people into the province of Moyen-Chari in Chad. 

Nationally, food insecurity and malnutrition are expected to remain major concerns in 2024. Results from the November 2023 Cadre Harmonisé revealed that 2.1 million people were experiencing food insecurity (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification’s Phase 3 and above) at the end of 2023. This situation is expected to worsen with 2.8 million people (representing 17 per cent of the total population of the country) likely to be food insecure in the coming 2024 lean season (June to September) in the absence of food assistance. In February 2024, the Government of Chad declared a food security and nutrition emergency. 

The massive influx of over half a million people from Sudan in the east of Chad, as well as a poor agricultural season in 2023 are significant contributing factors to this worsening situation. Malnutrition is also expected to remain a concern with a national prevalence rate of 8.6 per cent for global acute malnutrition (GAM) and 1.5 per cent for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) with 15 provinces in the country affected by emergency levels of acute malnutrition (15 per cent or higher).

The presence of non-State armed groups, intercommunal violence in the Lake Chad Basin and military operations against armed groups are likely to cause more people from neighbouring Nigeria to flee their homes to seek refuge in Chad. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people, including women and children, might need protection from violence and abuse.

In 2024, 6 million people are expected to be in need of humanitarian assistance. The humanitarian community aims to assist 4.6 million of the most vulnerable people for which it needs US$1.1 billion. 

Humanitarian partners in Chad will continue to work in areas affected by violence and conflict, to respond the needs of the most vulnerable, despite budget constraints and other challenges. The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan will focus on saving and preserving life and dignity; reducing vulnerability by building resilience and resistance to recurrent shocks; and protecting the most vulnerable people (children, girls, women, older people, and people living with disabilities), by strengthening accountability to affected people. 

Overview of the humanitarian response in Chad

For a full overview of the humanitarian response, visit humanitarianaction.info
Total Population
18.9M 2024
People in need
6M 2024
People to be covered by assistance
4.6M 2024
Total requirements (USD)
1.1B 2024
Funding total (USD)
214.6M 2024
Funding coverage (%)
19.08 2024



News and Press Release

CERF grants $15 million to Chad for underfunded emergencies

This allocation aims to respond to the government's February 2024 declaration of a food and nutrition emergency in Chad, which prompted a call for assistance from technical and financial partners.

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Situation Report

Tchad Bulletin Humanitaire Numéro 02 | mai 2024

FAITS SAILLANTS • Les résultats d’une mission d’évaluation des besoins multisectoriels des communautés hôtes à l’est du Tchad montrent que ces dernières subissent d’énormes conséquences de la crise...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Funding for OCHA Chad

Total requirements (USD)
5.9M 2024
Opening balance (USD)
59K 2024
Earmarked funding (USD)
1M 2024
Total (USD)
1M 2024