Press releases and statements

The UN Under-Secretary-General, Martin Griffith surrounded by cameras
The UN Under-Secretary-General, Martin Griffith takes questions from the press in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, after the devastating earthquake in February 2023.

Press releases and statements

Showing 2,561 - 2,570 of 6,486 results


News and Press Release

UN Agencies warn humanitarian needs growing in Syria and region: Nearly US$8 billion urgently needed in 2016 [EN/AR]

UN humanitarian and development agencies appealed today for a vital new funding to help 22.5 million people in Syria and across the region, as the conflict remains the world’s largest protection crisis.

Originally published
  • UN Development Programme
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Nigeria + 3 more

News and Press Release

Le fonds d’intervention d’urgence alloue 31 millions de dollars en aide aux personnes vulnérables affectées par les violences de Boko Haram dans la région du bassin du lac Tchad

(New York, 11 janvier 2016) – Le chef de l’humanitaire des Nations Unies Stephen O’Brien a alloué 31 millions de dollars du Fonds central d’intervention d’urgence (CERF) en soutien aux partenaires...

Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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